Select Page
  1. Log into Facebook Personal Page
  2. On the top right hand corner of the page click on the drop down arrow next to the word “Account”
  3. Click on “Use Facebook as Page”
  4. Find your business page.  Click “Switch”
  5. On the top right hand corner of the page, click on “Edit Page”
  6. On the left side of the page, click on “Profile Picture”
  7. Select an image file on your computer by clicking on “Browse”
  8. Click on the desired picture file and click “Open”
  9. This should upload your desired picture
  10. Underneath your new profile picture, click on “Edit Thumbnail”
  11. Drag the image to adjust the picture
  12. Click “Save”
  13. Click “View Page”

If you are having problems with changing your profile picture, contact me!  I would love to help!