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The proof is in the numbers.  I came across this blog article written by Jeff Esposito, “96 Percent of Americans Use Facebook — and Other Social Media Stats for the C-Suite” in Social Media Today.  Here is what he sited regarding Social Media:

  1. 82% of 18-29 year olds utilize a form of social networking (Pew)
  2. 48%  of consumers combine social media and search engines in their buying process (GroupM)
  3. 24%  of adults have posted a review of a product they have purchased (HubSpot)
  4. One out of every six minutes spent online is on a social network (comScore)
  5. 46 million Americans check their social media profiles daily (Edison Research)
  6. In 2011, marketers will increase their social media usage by 75%  (Brian Solis)
  7. 89% of companies note that social media will become a useful piece in their marketing mix moving forward (Useful Social Media)
  8. 35% of small businesses utilize social media in their marketing mix (eMarketer)
  9. 41% of the companies report that there is no staff dedicated to social media (Useful Social Media)
  10. 10.5% of CMOs say social marketing efforts are effectively integrated into their overall marketing strategy (MarketingProfs)

Metrics 6 – 10 indicate that there is a strong need for social media marketing assistance.  Whether you are just getting started or have been using social media for awhile, I can help you!